Pamper yourself and your clients by making full use of these beautiful and refillable bottles.
They are perfect for storing and dispensing medications, vitamins, rubbing alcohol, food coloring, liquid sweeteners and dyes. Commonly used for fragrance oils, essential oils like lemon oil, sandalwood, and frankincense for a variety of beneficial effects. Pamper yourself and your clients by making full use of these beautiful and highly useful, refillable bottles, each fitted with a glass eye dropper. Dropper holder black cap is made of rubber and seals tight to prevent any leakage. Flint glass body and boston round bottle for solidity and heat, gas, and vapor resistance, and to provide UV ray protection for light sensitive samples. Perfect for cocktail bitters and other syrup flavors for mixed drinks. If you buy oils in large bottles then these spray bottles make refilling a small amount in these 2oz mini jars much easier and practical.